It’s like India Jones out there, guys. A 6-foot sinkhole opened up on Driggs and Metropolitan on Wednesday, to the horror of passerby’s. Thankfully, CBS had a live chopper that had no where better to be.

Audi has installed a massive LED scoreboard on the shores of Greenpoint, using the World Cup as an opportunity to make their company more appealing to hip Brooklynites…has anyone seen this thing?

On the subject of the ol’ waterfront, more affordable housing was just approved at 145 and 155 West Street, as part of a new 39-story mixed-use development.

The New York Post says that “hipsters” are “hijacking” Brooklyn juries because they are well-educated and confident (serious over generalization??). They’re calling it the “Williamsburg Effect,” which leads juries to rule against defendants, and place more trust on police. 

Speaking of Williamsburg, if you’re homesick for hipster paradise and find yourself in Tokyo, head to  Shimokitazawa, which is an already gentrified neighborhood away from the city center that is chalk full of trendy restaurants, bars, and of course, bike shops. Sound familiar?

But we’re betting the Williamsburg of Tokyo doesn’t have  a 7am rave

Also in case you didn’t think North Brooklyn could get any more gentrified, a new juice bar is opening on Bedford. And on the chain gym front, New York Sports Club is opening today on Greenpoint Ave, while a Planet Fitness (on N. 5th) and Crunch (at 825 Manhattan Ave) will soon follow suite.

Northside Festival took over, well, Northside last weekend. Check out Sandy Kim’s photo diary for the NY Times, with some pretty cool artists/bands hanging out before their sets.

The Brick Underground and Street Easy calculated median rents within 5 blocks of each L train stop…and it’s kind of frightening. Good thing we live off the G train, although Greenpoint rent isn’t much cheaper (median rent in G-point clocks in at a smooth $3,047 for a one-bed).

And in line with raising rents, office buildings are popping up all over Brooklyn, to satiate the need to young professionals who want to work near home.

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