Whaddup BK

Mayor de Blasio proposed a fantastic idea last week– to host the next Democratic Convention in where else, but the hippest fucking place in America. Yes, I’m talking about Billy’s (and our) home borough.

The spot where the convention is proposed to be held is none other than the glossy monolith that signals shiny new Brooklyn, the Barclays Center.

The NY Times, which always likes to make sweeping generalizations about youth culture, called Brooklyn “a cradle of the resurgent left that has morphed from a symbol of the working class into a gritty, global arbiter of cool.”

Where not sure what “coolness” has to do with the DNC, but there are a hell of a lot of liberals here, perhaps too many, as some have suggested.  The location would be a departure from holding the convention in swing states like Florida and Colorado. Madison Square Garden has hosted 4 Democratic conventions and one Republican one, but this would be the first time that the major political event would be held in an outer borough, if selected.

New York was among 15 nominated cities, so nothing is set in stone yet. The competition includes Chicago, Philly, and Cleveland and the pick will be announced in late December.

We’re liking this quote from the Times:  “Brooklyn would offer ‘a sense of youth and energy,’ said Paul Begala, the Democratic strategist, adding that the borough has ‘great bars and restaurants, the most important thing to me. “

We always choose locations for major political events based on the how cool the nearby bars are, too.

Check out this thought piece for some additional pro’s and con’s.








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