Chromium? Cadmium? Nickel? Lead? Arsenic…? These heavy metals are not great things to have lurking in the soil at high levels, especially if you’re an avid gardener or have kids playing in the yard. (When I was little, I made mud pies – arsenic pies don’t sound so great.)
So the Greenpoint Waterfront Association for Parks and Planning (GWAPP) is hoping to conduct soil testing at several sites throughout May to establish levels of these substances in the earth.
But first it wants to know your suggestions of possible places (public, that is) to conduct the tests, which will be processed by Brooklyn College. Leave your suggestions here.
GWAPP is also looking for volunteers to help collect samples. If you’re green-fingered and community-minded, or have kids who’d love to see this kind of fun at work, contact [email protected]
McGolrick Park! Including the playground.
McCarren park. All the parks, really.
We are definitely testing the parks. We have also started testing community gardens as well.
If anyone is interested in soil testing at your home here is the link. http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/aca_centers_esac/110901_Soil_Brochure.pdf
We would be interested in hearing any results.