Tomorrow (Sat 4/19) is Record Store Day. This annual event is held at independent record stores all over the country and further afield. It offers many exclusive releases, in store performances, and other fun goodies. Since we have several awesome record stores in our neighborhood, we put together a little resource about what’s happening at each one this weekend. Before we get into the day’s offerings, I just want to mention that for all the attention record stores deservedly get on this particular day each year, the best thing you can do is make it a habit to come back to these stores again and again throughout the year. Don’t let Record Store Day be a one time thing, in other words.
Here’s what’s going on in Greenpoint Saturday. Oh, and you’ll note mention of “exclusive releases,” which is a big part of RSD. These are a wide range of records by artists small and large, in different formats from LPs to 7 inches, and sometimes never before released and sometimes reissued. It could be new music from Bruce Springsteen or it could be a compilation of indie bands playing covers of songs by fake bands in movies. You can find out much more about the whole slate of those at the RSD website. Not everything is available at every participating store – it is often a limited quantity and a limited selection.
Academy Records Annex (85 Oak Street)
Hours: 10AM to 8PM.
Exclusive RSD releases available? Yes
In-store performance by Steve Gunn at 6:00 PM, plus DJs during the day.
Other info to know: “Lately we have a lot of great international stuff in, especially African funk” – Kyla of Academy
Captured Tracks Store (195 Calyer Street – Downstairs)
Hours: Noon to 9PM.
Exclusive RSD releases available? Yes
No in-store performances but expect lots of Captured Tracks label merchandise to be available.
Other info to know: “We try to have a well-curated selection at affordable prices. We also have a great selection of cassettes” – Ian of Captured Tracks
Co-Op 87 (87 Guernsey Street)
Hours: 11AM to 9PM
Exclusive RSD releases available? No
According to Nate at Co-Op 87, the store is not participating in Record Store Day this year. However, they will be open for business as usual, with plenty of great offerings in their collection.
Permanent Records (181 Franklin Street)
Hours: 10AM to 8PM (possibly later)
Exclusive RSD releases available? Yes
No in-store performances, but plenty of giveaways of free music and other fun stuff are planned.
Other info to know: “We like to think we have something for everyone. That includes tons of exclusive releases for RSD, pretty much everything” – Matthew of Permanent Records
Record Grouch (986 Manhattan Avenue)
Hours: Noon to 8PM
Exclusie RSD releases available? No
Brian at Record Grouch told me that the store won’t be participating in Record Store Day this year. However, they will be open and they do have something cool planned: “We are going to unveil a bunch of music we acquired at a record fair in Holland. It’ll be mostly European 45s, a lot of synth pop, glam, prog, some Krautrock LPs. We tend to be a little left of center and into older trends here, so it should be really great.”
There you have it. Check out the Greenpoint record stores this weekend and then continue going back to support them year round. Record Store Day doesn’t have to be once a year!