Alexander Wang makes people go to Brooklyn THE HORROR! © Elizabeth Lippman for The New York Times


Now on Fridays for your reading pleasure….

Bedford + Bowery takes a walk down Manhattan Ave, which they say is right on the edge of gentrification…do you agree??

CBS News did a  video segment on a wilderness survival course…that is being taught under the Pulaski Bridge at the North Brooklyn Boat Club outpost.   The tone is 100% serious, as the newscaster comments on the joys of scavenging for wood scraps in dumpsters…as a matter of LIFE AND DEATH.

The Nordic coffeehouse Budin opened this morning at 114 Greenpoint Ave and apparently wins the prize for the most expensive latte in the neighborhood, pricing out at $7. Meanwhile, The Brooklyn Paper takes the prize for the most cringeworthy pun headline ever, i.e. “A Whole Latte Money!”

Greenpoint resident, Jeffrey Newman, talked about his mission to deliver a positive message to people with HIV/AIDS  by eliminating many of the stigmas and misinformation attached to the virus. (Greenpoint Gazette)

Alexander Wang demonstrated how young and hip he is by ferrying Fashion Week attendees to the Brooklyn Navy Yard and making them stand in the cold to watch his show, which mixed elegance with an urban survival theme i.e. mountain climbing jackets made of luxe cashmere. The fashion-goers subsequently went crazy on Twitter because they had to go to GASP! Brooklyn. (Washington Post, NY Times)

Hey, remember when the the East River Ferry ramp collapsed yesterday morning? State Senator Daniel Squadron is urging an investigation and calling for alternative means of transportation for Greenpoint. We suggest a zipline over the East River.  (Brooklyn Daily Eagle)

New York might be the first state to ban environmentally harmful face wash microbeads (you know those “exfoliating” plastic thingies in your face wash?). The beads ultimately contaminate our water supply and end up in the Great Lakes. (Gothamist)

Cops arrested 3 guys pretending to be cops in Williamsburg. The men were driving around with loaded guns and scanner radios…when they were pulled over by actual cops. (CBS Local)

And last but not least, take this opportunity to imagine that you are filthy rich and can purchase one of these apartments with a built-in sexy hot tub.  The former home of Kelly Rippa is a steal at only $24.5 million, and comes with a “deep air jet jacuzzi soaking tub” and a steam shower. Sigh….(Curbed)

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