Winter is upon us and you know what that means– it’s time to cozy up in our favorite hand-knit scarves and hats.

Peacock & Pineapples is just the place to satisfy all of those seasonal knit-wear needs.

We chatted with Suzanne, our fellow Greenpointer, who creates these comfy, yet stylish, winter looks.

GP: How did you learn to make these beautiful knit creations?

Suzanne: I learned how to knit in 2003 while living in remote town in eastern Washington State. My Grandmother had always knit, and it proved to be a good way for us to spend time together when I came back to New York and began visiting her in a nursing home. She had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a couple of years prior, but, as with all patients with memory loss, she retained the knowledge of the things learned in her youth.

Because of this engagement and positive experience, I went on to receive a Masters in Art Therapy with a focus in working with patients with neurological disorders. Knitting is my favorite hobby and I feel so lucky that I can use it both in my work as a volunteer in nursing homes and by making the items I sell through Peacock & Pineapples!  It’s also a huge stress relief from my day job where I spend the entire day doing lots of math and creating loads of spreadsheets!

GP: What’s your personal favorite knit to wear in Winter?

Suzanne: Alpaca is my favorite material – it’s soooo soft!, and I love big chunky knits, so I created my Cozy Alpaca Cowl based around that. I also wear a ton of neutral tones, so I tend to knit in those colors. My best sellers are the mustard organic cotton cowl, which is my own original design and the gray cozy alpaca cowl.

GP: Are you bringing any new items to the market this year?

Suzanne: I’m really excited about my new unisex tomahawk hats! My friends are already placing their orders for Christmas, so I hope that they will be a big seller at the market. They’re also an original design and I can’t be any more pleased with how they fit, feel and the way they stand up to the cold! Bonus – They can be made with or without a fun pom pom on top!

GP: As a Greenpointer yourself, what are your favorite spots in the hood?

Suzanne: I’ve lived here for 4 years and I’m still discovering some awesome little spots. I live in the McGolrick park area and I walk my dog through there every evening. I absolutely love the farmer’s market and if you can go at the right time, you can even be serenaded by a live saxophonist who sits on a park bench and plays to the trees. Seriously, that has to be my favorite part about Greenpoint. Lots of friendly creative folk, doing what they do and loving it!

See more of Suzanne’s knits on the web, etsy, and facebook. 

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