
The artisan economy is here and chances are you’re part of it.  If you put a personal touch to the service you provide or the product you produce, you’re a 21st century artisan.  As an artisan, you’ve got a passion for what you do, but can you turn that passion into profit and create long-term success?

Business growth is all about CHANGE and that’s why so many businesses never grow.  Owners often stay busy all day, but never make the CHANGE from being a skilled artisan to a savvy entrepreneur. That CHANGE is the key to building a successful business.  It arises through gaining CLARITY in your role and in your vision, building a COMMUNITY for support, and creating a COURSE OF ACTION for growth.

Whether you’re just starting out or a few years in, this program will take you through that CHANGE and get you from where you are to where you want to be.


  • You want to challenge your fear of growth
  • You’re full of great ideas and need a plan to execute them
  • You want to compete with big business
  • You want to stand out in a crowded marketplace
  • You want to commit to building a business that supports your life and offers  you stability

..then this program is for you.  I’ve worked with numerous business owners, and a wide variety of businesses, to help them successfully make that CHANGE.  I can help you too!

During this  program, we’ll create a comprehensive road map for growth, making sure your values and vision are clearly defined and  that all of the strategies we build serve your mission.  We’ll outline all of the systems you’ll need to put your new plan into practice.  And most importantly, we’ll develop your leadership role.  Great strategies and a clear road map will get you nowhere if you don’t have the leadership skills to communicate your vision, build committed teams, inspire your customers, and claim your space in the marketplace.   You’ll be learning right along side other business owners in your community, so you can build relationships to support your growth long after our class ends.

Growing a business takes courage to put yourself out there, it also takes commitment and dedication  to make it work.  I know you’ve got what it takes, so let’s get started!  This program is offered in both a private or group setting.

Sign up by December 1, 2013 and get a free 60 minute private coaching session with Holly. Just enter “GREENPOINTERS” in the registration promo code.

PROGRAM INVESTMENT:   $1495                                                  
REGISTRATION:  http://askhollyhow.com/artisan-entrepreneur/       
QUESTIONS: [email protected]                                                


Sponsored Post courtesy of Ask Holly How

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