We already got a big crush on goth-popĀ a place both wonderful and strange‘s Russ Marshalek. Given his music’s omnipresent nod to the occult and the fact that today is Halloween, why shouldn’tĀ the man curate this week’s mixtape? It’s dang witchy. Get spooked after the jump!

a place both wonderful and strange: Halloween 2013 mix for Greenpointers

Russ says of it:

Howl-o-ween is upon us. It’s one of my favorite holidays though I’d tend to prefer to teach everyone the lesser banishing spell. A lot of people attempt to make “creepy” music but very few can succeed in chilling me to the bone, and here are the recent results of those. If you are listening to this and not watching American Horror Story I’m curious as to what your problem is, because Stevie Nicks, the unseen force behind that show, is the ultimate witch. Here. Drink this.

A smart man. Happy Halloween, y’all!

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