We are so proud that the talented and amazing Greenpointers contributor responsible for the hilarious and adorable illustrations in her Friday column “Recipes Gone Wild” – is the champion of Enid’s Apple Pie Contest that happened this past Sunday!!! We asked her how it feels to win the most competitive Apple Pie contest in the universe:

GP: So, how many pies were you up against?
Libby: Somewhere around 28-30.

GP: Did you think you had a chance at winning?
Libby: I didn’t think I’d win because my pie looked like a lumpy, primitive life form in a world of civilized, beautiful pies. But I did have one special ingredient in my arsenal, which I was hoping would give me an edge.

GP: What do you think made your pie the winner?
Libby: It was the aforementioned special ingredient: the wild apples, which came the apple tree of Ed and Maggie (of Brouwerij Lane). They were the gnarliest, spottiest apples I’ve ever dared to cook with, and I have no idea what kind they were, but they tasted amazing.

GP: So what did you win?
Libby: I got a some great baking tools from Brooklyn Kitchen, including a really nice Pyrex pie plate, and a gift certificate to Enid’s.

GP: How did you feel when you won?
Libby: I was pretty excited, of course, and a little dizzy, which I suppose is silly because it’s just a pie bake-off.

GP: Is it a secret recipe? Can you share anything?
Libby: The recipe is going to have to remain a secret for now. Two bits of advice I can share: 1. Keep your pastry chilled and don’t beat it up too bad; 2: Believe in your apples, regardless of how unconventional their beauty.

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