Walking along Manhattan Ave or Franklin St on any given weekend morning is prime time for Walk of Shame patrol. (Don’t judge – we’ve all been there.) Cup on Norman has a special drink that won’t put you in your Saturday morning sweatpants, but it may alleviate the pain of your less than proud walk home. 

I remember walking along Franklin St on an early summer morning and walking into Brooklyn Label for a much needed espresso wearing a black and white teardrop silk top, a black mini skirt and knee high black leather boots. (I know – slutty.) At the time, Cowboy Mark was working there and he so lovingly complimented me on my “summer look.” I looked down at myself and thought, he is either lying or had a rough night himself.

Taking the side streets may provide shade from the blinding sun and embarrassment from chance encounters and a new drink at Cup was designed specifically to provide the jolt to keep your head up and the hydration you need because of course – you didn’t drink enough water last night! 

The Cococano is by definition a coffee beverage made with espresso and coconut water -or- “God’s liquid mercy delivered to the weary, hungover masses.”

I wasn’t hungover or on a walk of shame when I tried it, but I was in need of some concentration and hydration help. I was expecting some pina colada tasting coffee drink – probably because of the palm tree on the chalk board, but what I got was a strong iced coffee with the faint yet refreshing flavor of coconut water. I added heavy cream and sugar because I deserved it and it worked. I sat down and pounded away at the keyboard.

Have you tried it? Let me know what you think.

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  1. I live RIGHT there and it is a great beverage to grab (especially when you have 6 stamps on your CUP CARD). Takes a minute to get used to and then it’s off to the races!

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