Tired of being stuck inside all day? Don’t have a backyard or outdoor space to call your own? Want to get your hands dirty, enjoy the beautiful weather and meet some great people that live in your neighborhood?

Then you probably should consider becoming a member of the newly formed 61 Franklin Street Garden.

Stop by to help build the garden this Saturday June 1, 2013.

Garden work begins at 2pm and the open meeting for new member begins at 3pm. 

That’s right! After years of remaining vacant, the city-owned lot on Franklin is blossoming into a new garden space and outdoor environmental classroom for Greenpoint.

Unlike the traditional community garden model, in which individualized plots are spread out between a few lucky participants, the 61 Franklin Street Garden will function as more of an open green space for community use. Individual membership is $25/year and family memberships are $40/year.

Read the rest of the story and find out how to become a member at GWAPP.org

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