Greenpoint Landing

If you have any interest in how the proposed Greenpoint Landing development, which includes ten residential buildings that could be up to thirty to forty stories high, will affect the Greenpoint Waterfront and life as a Greenpoint resident, then you MUST come to this public meeting tonight, Monday May, 6th, 2013 at 6:30pm at McCarren Park Recreation Center (776 Lorimer St)

Other topics to be discussed include: developments at 77 Commercial Street and the former MTA property at 65 Commercial Street and Newtown Barge and Box Street Parks, the two parks adjacent to Greenpoint Landing and 77 Commercial Street.

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  1. Who is sponsoring this meeting? The Community Board? NAG? DCP? Councilman Levin? Greenpointers?

    1. the meeting is part of the land review process which includes a public meeting via the community board.

  2. Could some0ne please tell me where the “McCarren Park Recreation Center” is? Google maps for 776 Lorimer shows the middle of the soccer field…. Thank you!

    1. hi there – it’s the building that is in front of the mccarren park pool. where the gym is. hope that helps! are you going?

  3. This would seem to be a very important meeting. The proposed development will have massive effect on the neighborhood. Very concerned. Not all of us can make it– Hope someone can try to document- record or take notes etc and that we have an opportunity to follow up. Thanks!

  4. The Meeting at the Rec Center in McCarren Park only had a capacity for 100 people, many people weren’t able to get in. Although I hear that this development is already “approved”, it would be good if a video of the presentation & discussion could be posted to keep everyone else in the loop.

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