Starting today – Greenpointers (and all other New yorkers) can finally feel slightly less guilty for ordering delivery at four am in a snow storm! At long last NYC recycles all hard plastics, from busted big-wheels to plastic forks. DSNY just asks that you please rinse the General Tso’s juices out before tossing them in with your other recycling. It is anticipated that this move will save the city quite a lot of money in disposal fees and reduce the amount of plastics being buried forever in landfills or left to drift in our rivers and seas.

No No’s: plastic bags, wrappers, pouches or foam. (Bummer.)

Even so, it’s important to continue to reduce our use of plastic, as producing and recycling plastics uses a hefty amount of resources and energy.

Green Pointers: (get it?)

• opt for veggies in that aren’t shrink wrapped (Foxy lettuce, we’re looking at you)
• buy a reusable water bottles instead of bottled water – NYC tap water is clean and safe
• try living without plastic wrap and ziploc bags; trust me you can do it!
• instead of that tupperware that you lose all the lids for, store leftovers in a bowl covered with a small plate – works just as well
• use a canvas tote and say NO to evil plastic bags! You know that guilty feel you get when you forget your tote on line at the grocery store – it’s because satan made you do it…

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Greenpoint!

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