A juvenile Cooper’s Hawk landed in our yard this morning. Lots of hawks land in our yard and we do our best to take a photo with our iphone through our binoculars. Not any more! Jon got a Pentax K-01, with a SMCDA 100-300mm lens, just for birding!
Here is a video through our binoculars of a mature Cooper’s Hawk from February of last year, in the same spot working on a pigeon breakfast.
We have a hawk that frequents the trees behind our place. We have started calling it Brocktoon, which is from an old SNL sketch with Tom Hanks about a fan club for the guy who played Mr. Belvedere.
A few weeks ago Brocktoon caught a pigeon and brought it to our lawn where it had itself a lil feast for a few hours and it was AWESOME. Here’s one of the shots I took of the action: