Every week at the Greenpoint McCarren Greenmarket, aside from dropping off compost and textiles and buying local seasonal vegetables you have the opportunity to meet a representative from a cause who will give you information and ask for a donation.

Jon is especially skilled at getting roped in while I unload the compost. We are monthly donors to Environment NY, who is fighting fracking in NY State, definitely worth it.

This week we met a nice person from Human Rights Campaign (HRC) which is the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. That is a cause we can get behind.

She explained that in 29 states you can be fired for being gay and in NY you can be fired for being transgender. Definitely not cool.

Count us in!

I especially appreciate their equality symbol logo but recommended they go a step further and make it a greater than sign.

Read more about HRC here.

Are you lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender living in Greenpoint or North Brooklyn? We’d love to talk to you about your experiences.

Leave a message in the comments or email greenpointers (at) gmail.com

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