An animal loving Greenpointer found Chico, this adorable Black and White Pit Bull in Williamsburg, near Graham and Withers on Tuesday 12/18. Chico is an intact male, about 60 pounds, is very friendly with people and wants belly rubs constantly.

If you have any information about the owner or are interested in fostering or adopting Chico, please call (917) 609-0624.

The kind woman who found him is boarding him for 2 weeks until the owner is found, has had him vaccinated and will be neutering him soon. She has spent over $400 on his care so consider donating anything for Chico’s care.

She noticed the signs she put up have all been removed so Chico has likely been abandoned.

For updates, like Chico’s Facebook page and to make contributions for his care, chip in here.

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