This Thanksgiving break, before you engorge yourself, help out at the Greenpoint Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry. Volunteers are needed for a wide variety of activities. The church will partner up with local churches in the area.

Doors will be open on Tuesday, November 20th from 5pm – 7pm to make pantry bags, and on Wednesday November 21st from 10am – 6pm to make pantry bags, then at 6pm a Turkey Dinner will be held. If you would like to sign up please check out the Doodle Event.

For those who would like to volunteer on Thanksgiving Day the Church of Ascension will need volunteers.

Questions? Contact Charles: Charlesjyoo (AT) or 718-383-5941

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  1. I guess I’ve been looking at this headline for a couple of days and am wondering about the use of the insult “Fatty” and the suggestion that if you don’t volunteer, you’re fat.

    Given that I’ve been with you 100% with your take on “hipster” bashing, I’m sad to see the bullied becoming the bully, using hateful language for no obvious reason. I don’t see the connection between a person’s weight and their likelihood to give their time for a good cause, if there is one I’m missing, can you please include it in your post.

    1. Lighten up! It means no harm and is not aimed to make fun of fat people. People spend their Thanksgivings eating themselves sick (I do), so this is a reminder to put the fork down and think about all the people who go hungry while we stuff ourselves to near explosion. You can be a glutton whether you are fat or skinny. I am not bashing fat people. I am using a headline to get people to read something they might otherwise ignore. And it’s lighthearted. I am sorry if you take offense.

      1. That’s fair, I can chalk it up to terrible headline writing/poor judgement. I’ll be curious to see what group of people you try to humiliate the next time you try to grab your readers attention.

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