Greenpointers Contributor Michael Glennon and his friend Holly Butler are accepted donation at their residence located at 66 Nassau Ave #2.

They will be there tonight (Friday 11/2) until 2am and tomorrow from 10am-5pm Saturday (11/3).

They have truckload and will drive donations to the the Red Cross stationed in the Rockaways.

Items they are looking for specifically include: toiletries, diapers, gloves, sock, underwear, batteries, toothbrushes & tampons.

Please note they are right across the street from Dollar Up & Cato’s Armny Navy where you can easily purchase many of these items. Plus, they have beer and wine…

For more info contact michael.glennon at

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  1. THANK YOU EVERYONE – What an amazing HAUL!

    We are no longer accepting “clothes” – now… what do I mean by that? T-Shirts? No.
    Gloves, Hats, Socks, and Underwear? – YES!

    If you can spare it – the biggest thing we can get from you all now is stuff you can BUY at the STORE – Black Plastic Garbage Bags, Cleaning Supplies, Water, Canned Food.

    Stop and Think to yourself – “It’s cold. I’m hungry. My basement is full of sewage. I don’t have any power.” and then think, “If this were my life, what would I want?” and then go and buy that stuff. That’s the stuff we need.



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