Hurricane Sandy is coming whether we like it or not.

Here are a few simple things to do to be prepared:

• If you are in Zone A, you MUST evacuate. Check this evacuation map.

Subways will be closed tonight at 7pm.

NYC Public Schools will be closed tomorrow – Monday October 28, 2012.

Check NOAA for updated storm information. (No drama weather information.)

• Make sure you have enough non-perishable food and water for 3 Days. You don’t necessarily need to buy cases of bottled water. You most likely have plenty of containers, like big pots to store water in. Fill your bathtub with water for bathing and flushing the toilet.

Look out for your pets, make sure you have enough pet food and supplies for a few days.

• Make sure you have enough prescription medication for a few days.

Look out for your elderly neighbors.

• In the event of power outage, make sure you have candles, flashlights and batteries.

Charge all electronic devices, cell phones, computers, etc.

• Turn your lawn furniture on it’s side and clear your fire escape.

• It’s a good time to take your window A/C inside.

Stay inside when the storm is at it’s worst. Don’t go into the parks or stand under big trees.

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