I can’t take this roller coaster ride! The verdict is still out as to whether Lincoln Restler won the recent election. Here is a recent email that explains:

“Dear Jen,

On Friday evening, the canvassing of voting machines was completed and emergency, affidavit, and absentee ballots were all fully accounted for. Board of Elections staff and our election lawyers confirmed the result: every valid ballot had been counted and we had overcome a 136 vote margin on election night to be ahead by 53 votes in the final result.

Then on Saturday, we received a phone call from technological consultants to the Board of Elections informing us that their assessment had changed. Two memory sticks from the same scanning machine had yielded different results. We spent the weekend assessing how two data drives from the same machine could possibly provide different numbers, but we now believe we are facing a deficit of 31 votes.

Ultimately this vote difference does not change what happens next: despite everything the Brooklyn machine threw at us – the margin in this election is so small that State law mandates a hand recount of every ballot before the election result is final. The spread is now 50.1% to 49.9% in a 12,000 vote race, which means every single ballot that the BOE will now be reviewing truly counts. We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to help us monitor the hand recount, please email me directly if you would like to be involved in this process.

Thank you for your tremendous support and I am sorry for the roller coaster ride!

Lincoln Restler”

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