Goodbye tomatoes. Goodbye summer squashes. Goodbye radishes.
Like any proper New Yorker, I am going to be away for the next six weekends of the summer. This is the hardest part of having a small, highly sensitive, needy garden — you have to make a choice about how worthwhile it is to have a friend come by to water it, when you aren’t getting any produce to begin with. My crops are just too temperamental, and simply not bountiful enough to devote another person’s time to. It’s like any one-sided relationship — at some point, you have to let go.
But remember, there are always new beginnings, as well as reliabilities. For example, I have had lovely fresh basil all summer. Cilantro and chives have dotted numerous meals. And now look, tiny peppers are ripening up.
It looks like it will be a spicy fall.
Do you want to see more of my decrepit garden? Follow me on Instagram @everydaycaitlin !