Hello Greenpoint.  I’m Will Star, local photographer, and one of the newest contributor to The Greenpointers.  I’ll be posting photography from the neighborhood regularly and building out some projects I’ve been working on for the past few years.  You can expect posed and candid street portraits regularly, interview projects, and snippets of Greenpoint life through my lens.  I like to use a variety of cameras and formats, shooting mostly film, but you might catch the occasional digital photo snuck in here too (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

This set of images feature the dudes who work at Brouwerij Lane (pronounced: Brow-er-ee Lane).  They all really know their stuff about the different types of beer they carry and can help you identify what you’re into.

Now, I like shooting here for three main reasons:

  1. The window light is fantastic.
  2. The people are cool (staff & patrons).
  3. They have beer.

And lastly, I have a photo of our fearless leader, Jen G, from the first day I met her.  One of my favorite portraits from this spot. (note: she does not work at Brouwerij Lane)

I hope you enjoy the photographs, and I look forward to contributing on a weekly basis.

You can see more of my street photography at:

Thank you!

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  1. is that last boy pic of alex? alex, if you are googling yourself and see this – come back to jimmy’s. yes this is your crazy bartender speaking.

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