Cats [blank] like rabbits and exponentially grow in numbers.
A recent Greenpoint Gazette article cites the problems caused by rising feral cat populations and explains that the Trap-Nueter-Released (TNR) model is, “If you feed, fit it!” If you think you’re helping strays by feeding them, but not going the extra step to have them neutered, you are making the problem worse. And don’t be a [blank] and abandon your pets ever! There is no need to elaborate on how [blanked] up that is.
I received a letter from a Greenpointer who needs your help:
“I currently feed a colony of feral cats on Green St that are all neutered and friendly. They keep the rats away and make people smile. Just for the record there is one or two of me on every block in Greenpoint: people who take care of cats that were dumped because someone couldn’t take care of them. It’s a sad reality.
I emailed the person from the article… my landlord is a TNR expert.