Got an email tip from reader Michelle about this final push for funds on a totally amazing project to turn an empty piece of land located on India between McGuinness and Provost into a community garden.

This is a block that definitely ain’t one of the prettiest in the neighborhood, but the ladies of Greenpoint design business Domestic Construction took it upon themselves to save the land from being paved over in concrete and made into yet another parking lot, by purchasing leasing this unused space next door to their studio. It’s now up to the community to help them raise the funds to complete it. While I can only imagine the toxins in that soil from years of industrial zoning, at some point we need to start nursing it back to health and a community garden seems like a great way to do just that.

Kickstarter projects are a dime a dozen. Everyone seems to start one for a million and one useless reasons, but there are a select few that are special and worth your hard earned dollars. This project one is one of those.

The video is adorable and even if the ladies may seem slightly stoned or something, they made a real nice save by purchasing that lot. There are too few green spaces left in Greenpoint. Check out their detailed Kickstarter page and all the cool things you can get just for donating to their cause. For just $10 you get a plant named after you!

design.plot by Design Construction
216 India Street
between McGuinness & Provost

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  1. According to the kickstarter page, they have LEASED the lot, not purchased it. That’s important as far as I’m concerned, because my thought in reading just this post was that if they can afford to buy a piece of land in NYC they don’t need any of my money… and how would I know that they don’t just plan to flip this lot to a developer in a year or two anyway?

    Leased. It’s important. I’d be happier if they stated on that kickstarter page how long the lease term is, actually.

    1. Not cool to get so disgruntled when this project is something really positive. Justine busts her ass updating this blog and making a great effort to keep the community in touch with what’s going on, and it makes more sense to offer suggestions in a civil way than sound like a jerk.

  2. I updated the post to reflect leasing as opposed to purchased.

    For what it’s worth, your tone in comments are ALWAYS negative. There’s a way to point out things without being such a Debbie Downer. I don’t dig the negativity or your comments.

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