Sad news on the Greenpoint business front, longtime Manhattan Avenue family owned business Zayas Appliance has gone out of business. From Crain’s New York:

Zayas Appliance
Zayas Appliance by TrespassersWill via Flickr

Zayas Appliance, a Greenpoint, Brooklyn, fixture since 1972, has gone out of business. The store, which may be the oldest in the neighborhood, was shuttered as a result of a recent Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing by its corporate parent, E-D & G Inc.

The appliance store, at 845 Manhattan Ave., is the latest casualty in a string of closures by local merchants, who have struggled as a result of the flagging economy.

Read the rest here.

It’s sad to see the old businesses from my youth close. It’s also sad that there aren’t any new businesses really popping up. Manhattan Avenue has quite a few empty storefronts and it’s depressing.

Hats off to Zayas Appliance, you’ll be missed.

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  1. Oh no! I had a feeling this might happen. I really tried to support them in the last few months by going there for appliances. But each time they didn’t have quite what I was looking for. That said, I liked their selection and hoped that they could hold on.

    Small, neighborhood stores just can’t compete with discounted big box stores and Amazon on price. And the harsh reality is that it’s human nature to find and pay for the best deal.

  2. I remember this store as a Five & Dime type store when I was little in the 60’s! I used to go in there with my mother and she’d buy hardware stuff and christmas decorations in Dec. I can still picture the store in my mind… When it turned into the appliance store, I never went in though. I just read some things online where customers weren’t happy though, when they tried to return or exchange defective products, the store wouldn’t honor it. I guess what goes around comes around…

  3. Very sad to see an old neighborhood fixture close, but perhaps you can find some solace in knowing that it wasn’t the absolute oldest shop in the hood. Cinderella Card Shop, for one, was est. 1966.

  4. We absolutely loved this place I purchased so many appliances for our home there, they just had the coolest small appliances, miele vacuum, beautiful french press we have not seen anywhere else, electric kettle, small european oven, etc etc. It is just such a shame. They were so great there you could go in and browse and they never bothered you. I would say it was remarkable service, among my best shopping experiences ever. We moved away to Long Island but I still remember it. And now that we need a replacement kettle they are gone:(
    If anyone who ever worked there, particularly that kind young man, reads this: Thanks so much for your service. I hope you find another location and continue.

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