Poster Party is a pretty simple concept – Movie posters drawn with magic markers.

The talented Tim Bierbaum of Serious Lunch is having an art show this Friday at The Habitat. According to his friend Michael Glennon who gave me the heads up, Tim’s inspired by the box and poster art of movie posters from the Suncoast video era of his time spent at shopping malls. His friends are contributing too.

Taking a look at the tumblr page for the project, Poster Party looks like a lot of fun. Anyone who decides drawing the movie poster for Kid n’ Play’s (TOTALLY UNDERAPPRECIATED!!) movie Class Act, is a-ok with me. The show runs April 22nd – May 20th.

Poster Party Opening
Friday April 22, 2011 at 7pm
Facebook event here.
The Habitat
988 Manhattan Avenue

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