There are two big community meetings coming up regarding opposite ends of the neighborhood.

First up tonight Wednesday February 2nd is the Nassau Avenue/Monitor Street Reconstruction Project Community Forum. A close friend of mine had mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago that everyone on Monitor Street had gotten a letter stating they had to move their property back a couple of feet (basically to the bottom of the stairs). Needless to say the people on the block were a little pissed.

From Joe Lentol’s Facebook page via CB1 Yahoo Group:

Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, Councilmember Steve Levin, and Senator Martin Dilan will be hosting a community forum on the reconstruction of Nassau Avenue, Wednesday February 2, 2011 6:30PM at Lutheran Church of the Messiah (129 Russell Street) in the Community Room.

Representatives from the NYC Dept of Design and Construction and NYS Dept of Transportation as well as the MTA and 94th Police Precinct have been invited to respond to your concerns.

For further information, please contact Assemblyman Lentol’s office at 718-383-7474

Community Forum on Nassau Ave Reconstruction
Wednesday February 2nd at 6:30pm
Lutheran Church of the Messiah – Community Room
129 Russell Street

Next Tuesday February 8th, the trio of Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, Councilmember Steve Levin, and Senator Martin Dilan will again be hosting a Town Hall meeting at the Polish National Home regarding the controversial Homeless Shelter proposed at 400 McGuinness Blvd.

Town Hall Meeting on Homeless Shelter
Tuesday February 8th at 7pm
The Polish National Home
261 Driggs Ave

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