I am going away for a week and won’t be blogging cause, well, I’m going on vacation why would I want to blog?! But feel free to still email me and keep me in the loop with anything interesting going on in the hood.

I am leaving you with some good stuff that I would be checking out if I was here.

The Brooklyn Flea is starting this Sunday! Yay! I have been waiting patiently for this and though I’m bummed I’ll be missing out on the inaugural week, I am comforted that there will be many more.

Brooklyn Based did a nice write-up on some of the participants and what to expect. This is going to be fun and I will be there the next Sunday with bells on!

Closer to home, Jan & Aya opened last weekend and Elaine Perlov mentions that there are treats to be scored on weekends. Golden Twinkees and tea towels – yum!

Speaking of openings Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory is open again after a shaky Summer last year. Thursday through Sunday 3-9pm. I never got a chance to check them out last year but I’ll be regular this Spring and Summer.

This Saturday there’s a Sam Adams promo at Red Star – $3 pints and giveaways. And you can catch the Met game in hi-def. Score!

Brooklyn Brewery tours is something I’ve always wanted to do but never get around to it. Every Saturday with one every hour at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. Jeez, and I still have not found the time to go? I’m a loser.

Well, that’s all I got. Try not to miss me too much. See ya in a week!

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  1. good for you! good luck on your man/blogging hiatus. thanks for the good recommendations for the wknd.

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