Originally uploaded by LukeB.

Here’s an interesting question from a reader who’s name I’ll keep shush… Just in case…

I was just reading your blog and I wanted to know if you have noticed the recent growth of Club Exit on Greenpoint Avenue. The level of noise on Thursday through Saturday night has grown tremendously. I have also noticed that in the morning there is garbage everywhere. I have spoken to the police after an incident on my corner that made me uncomfortable and they said that there were a lot of complaints from residents. What are your thoughts on this? Have you heard the same thing from other residents?

My sister lived on Leonard Street around the corner from Club Exit and one night when she was hosting a small theme party (Polish Night, ironically) me and a friend went around the corner to pick up some more beer when we were greeted with a stabbing victim, complete with pools of blood on the sidewalk. Guess where the guy was partying?

I also sent this persons email on to my sister who wound up moving just a block away and therefore still down the block from Club Exit.

Why don’t you tell your witness to a stabbing outside of Exit story… I call the cops at least once a month because of the horrible ruckus that is made by the patrons of Exit. All I can do is pray they will feel as though they have outgrown where they are and move to a larger much less central and residential spot.

Another story I heard is about a neighborhood local who filed a formal compliant against the owners of Exit because of the loud and drunken crowds that spilled onto her street and was paid a not so nice visit from a person who she believes to be the Polish “Mob”- if such a thing exists, telling her to mind her neck. She claims that the Police are paid off by these people. Who knows if that is true, but Exit is a blight on Greenpoint.

I wish the Goons (they are huge!) that man the door at Exit would clear the immediate area after closing instead of unleashing a hundred drunken assholes to wake the neighbors within a 3 block radius.

The Polish Mob and crooked cops, oh my!


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