I had a dentist appointment today on Graham Avenue (the offices of Dr. Frank V. Peritore DDS are quite possibly the nicest and most professional bunch of people ever, btw). I took the bus down Manhattan Ave and started really noticing all the empty for rent storefronts and decided on my walk back I’d try and see how many there were. Thanks to my trusty new BlackBerry (Happy Birthday to me from me!) I caught quick pics.

First up is the old Shanghai Lee which merged with Chinese Musician last year. Still nothing new in that space.

Next up is what appears to have been some sort of boutique. It still retains it’s vintage storefront which is pretty nice. The floor entrance reads Nathan’s. I don’t know how long ago it was that Nathan’s existed, I’ll have to ask my Pops. I would really like to see the set up of the storefront stay the same. It’s a fucking travesty what they did to Sister & Brother.

Dutch Dairies which has not been there for awhile (back in the day it was the place to get your butter) is suffering a disgusting look under a scaffold that seems to have been there forever.

I didn’t catch a pic of George’s Variety – a Greenpoint institution across the street, but it closed the end of last Summer and is still sitting unoccupied. Every so often the gates are up, so I wonder if there is something going on or if it’s just the owners poking around.

Oh my God – it’s a CLOSED 99¢ Store!

The hardware store at the corner of Noble and Manhattan has been closed awhile and has had a sign outside indicating a Sakura Japanese place is coming which I noted way back in early December.

Another place that has been vacant awhile is this one which last year was a temporary Ricky’s. But after Halloween came and went, so did Ricky’s.

Just a few doors down is the Sundae Delight space. I think it’s last incarnation was a 99¢ store so I’m gonna count that as two down!

Not closed yet, but on it’s way out is Xtra. This place rocked and it sucks to see it go, but it is a large space so it has some possibilities.

Lastly, is one of my favorite storefronts in Greenpoint. So retro it hurts! My Dad said he thinks he remembers this being a men’s store when he was a kid. He can remember my grandfather shopping in there for a suit. Today when I passed it seems there is some action going on. There’s a ladder out front and as I passed by I noticed a trio of men inside talking.

I hope to see some of these places occupied come Spring or Summer. There is a lot of possibility on Manhattan Avenue to at least make it the sort of strip that you don’t need to travel outside of the ‘hood for the things you need.

Personally, I’d like to see more chain stores. Yes, you read that right, chain stores. Or at least chain-like stores. I have no problem if they’re mom and pop joints but some useful shit would be nice. Like Wizard. It’s not a Best Buy or a Circuit City but it fills the void of necessity. The last thing I would want to see is a bunch of “indie boutiques”. Not that I don’t love them – I do. Dalaga and Alter rock. But let’s keep those to Franklin Street and Williamsburg. Manhattan Avenue should be a main drag kinda strip. I’d love a Victoria’s Secret. There’s no where to get a decent bra around here. I know I won’t hear any male complaints about that…

And for the record, I’d just love to see Rainbow close. I hated that shithole since it replaced Goodwin’s.

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  1. I was noticing yesterday just how many empty storefronts there are in the neighborhood too. I was sort of worried that some mega-developer was kicking out retailers in hopes of bull-dozing entire blocks to put up high-rise luxury condos. That would be horrible.

    I am totally in favor of more mom ‘n pop stores moving in. The more mom n’ pop the better. I don’t want any part of chains. I like local color.

  2. Oh my goodness bulldozing entire blocks would be horrible. Now you’re scaring me…

    I do like the mom & pop stores, too. I wish the old places were still here. But unfortunately most of the new ones are too expensive for me and don’t have stuff that’s really needed – just stuff that’s wanted.

    I adore what’s happening to Franklin Street and I’d love to see that drag really flourish with the smaller shops that have already opened but if Manhattan Ave turns into that, too, I feel like we’ll really just look like another Williamsburg.

  3. seriously, Xtra is closing? i outfitted my (your) entire apartment for under $100 from that place. sad!

    i was DYING for more chain stores in GP when i lived there. i bank with Commerce, so I definitely wanted one of those (they have EVERY other bank on Manhattan Ave). Victoria’s Secret would be incredible… I’d also have been happy with an H&M (far less likely). or even a duane reade, so I could have used the same discount card as I did near my office. how about old navy? or a bed, bath, & beyond type place? or are those too big and gross?

  4. you’re gonna see chain stores in those places, if anything. my bf called the realtor about the “Nathan’s” space last weekend and the rent is $8000 a month. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. last photo, the one that you noted may have once been a men’s store … i think i recogize it (i lived in GP from early 50s till mid 70s), i believe that was a bank just to the left of it? And St. Anthony’s was more or less across the street? If so, that was definitely a men’s store back in my day there ………

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