There’s an UPDATE to this post here.

Here’s a new question I received today. It’s one I was curious about myself!

“here i am, a newly-minted greenpointer asking an old school greenpointer this:

will Brooklyn Label ever get a liquor license or do they choose not to have one, going the BYOB route? i did as one of the waitstaff once but she did not know.

love the place, excellent food and coffee, right around the corner from me in the infamous Astral and was curious.



I did a little digging and according to the New York State Liquor Authority, Brooklyn Label filed for a “Restaurant Wine” class license on 7/2/07 and it’s status is currently pending.

I thought that was a little odd since they were open for awhile, why so long before they applied?

So I checked into the mandatory Community Board thing applicants have to go through, which from what Ive heard can make or break you getting a license. From the NYSLA website:

“On-premises license applicants must notify the appropriate government entity (village, town or city clerk or the appropriate community board if in NYC) as well as the designated newspaper of a pending license application at a particular location.”

According to the CB #1 Brooklyn Label was first on the docket to be heard in October 2006 for a new Liquor License (The Gutter, which has it’s liquor license since it opened just a few months ago was on the same list that date). Then they’re shown on both the June 12th and June 28th 2007 meetings but this time designated for a Restaurant Wine License.

My assumption from this information is that they didn’t get the full bar liquor license and they refiled for just beer and wine and it’s currently pending.

So it doesn’t look like you’re going to be having a Bloody Mary any time soon at your Brooklyn Label brunch. But maybe a beer with your burger isn’t that far off.

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  1. wow that was a mighty quick answer. thanks very much! perhaps i should bring my own pitcher of Bloodys for brunch while i wait for that day when i can order a beer with my burger…thanks again for the speedy reply. :O)

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