picture from forgotten-ny.com

I never really ventured past Greenpoint Avenue when I was a kid, other than the early years with my parents to go to the Chopin.

Which reminds me how badly we need a movie theater in Greenpoint again! I had to schelp all the way to Steinway St back in the day to go to the UA and God knows the G never runs past Court Square anymore so in order to go to a movie you have to either take the G all the way to Cobble Hill or you’re just better off going to the city.

There was shit talked about a movie theater opening in Williamsburg last year and then supposedly it’s going to be this. I haven’t ventured over there but I don’t even think it exists since GL reported this in June. Plus, it’s not going to be a ‘normal’ movie theater anyway. Just one that plays indie flicks that are so fucking indie the only people who want to see them are the guys who made them.

How about a good old fashioned, state of the art giant multiplex? Oh how the hipsters would hate that. “Oh no! They’re destroying our hometown look and feel!” Meanwhile you’re the reason we have a Starbucks (ironically where the Chopin used to be) in the first place (not that I’m complaining)!

They could put it right along West. On any block, really. Or stick it somewhere on the other side of McGuiness where there are even more factories. Do we actually make anything here anymore? Or hey, how about right across from Newton Creek?

Imagine the delicious stench of popcorn and shit mixed together. Heavenly.

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  1. Hello– forgive me for just crashing in here, but when you see my question I think you’ll have some mercy… My girl and I are on the verge of moving right near the corner of Meserole and Diamond. The down payment’s in the broker’s claws, we’re flying over the rooftops in Google Earth… everything. But one thing Google Earth and a single visit to the neighborhood couldn’t tell me is… does the freakin stench from that enormous wastewater treatment complex reach down to that corner??? I’m praying the prevailing winds have it going the other way almost all the time. Is I right? tia…

  2. damn,,, well I lived in Hoboken for a few years. Can’t be much worse than that… btw thanks for a very well done blog.

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