I am obsessed with Craigslist, specifically the apartment rental section. I now know many people are also obssesed, for so many different reasons (and with different sections).

That article in this week’s New York Magazine about the dude who’s married with a small child yet trolls Craigslist during lunch for a hourly homosexual hook-up (wow). I’m not judging or anything, just thought my love for Craigslist was unsurpassed.
I’m doing my hourly refresh when I see an ad for my hood.. common these days. In the body of the ad it reads:


Greenpoint – open house this Saturday at 12:30 pm sharp for 20 min only – come to 70 Greenpoint ave, 4R—-take “G” to Greenpoint Ave Station walk one block towards the river

greenpoint ave at franklin st

 So peeps, you get exactly 20 minutes to see this place along with 50 other people..wtf. I wish my blog was far reaching and powerful (not as powerful as Craigslist) but powerful enough to have 20,000 people show up there for the allotted 20 minutes.

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