Update #3: According to DNAinfo, Christopher Meyer was NOT the victim of a hit and run because, “the NYPD’s Collision Investigation Squad later found that Meyer fell under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway when his bike’s front tire hit a curb, throwing him to the ground.”
Update #2: There is video footage from The Brooklyn Kitchen which shows Christopher hitting the curb before crashing into the northbound lane, according to Gothamist, but NYPD has not yet commented on the investigation.
Update #1:
Funeral Service
Friday 2-4 & 7-9
Marinello Funeral Home
493 Middle Country Road, Coram, NY 11249
Reader Jeff Conklin wrote in to let us know that his friend Christopher Meyer was the cyclist who was struck and killed by a hit and run driver on Meeker Ave on Monday around 4am.
Chris was a Greenpointer for many years, worked at Permanent Records and according to Jeff was a “sweet heart.” His family will have funeral services in Long Island and his sister Kimberly who is maintaining his facebook page is working on a memorial service in Brooklyn.
Jeff went on to say:
I met Christopher working at Soundfix Records in Williamsburg. At that time, Chris was working two jobs (the other was managing Ella Cafe on Bedford avenue) and taking classes at Baruch. I was in awe of his energy and drive. Christopher had an incredible sense of humor and had one of the warmest hearts I’ve ever come across. He was a music fanatic and on the rare occasion when we’d work together, the day would be spent nerding out about metal and having tons of laugh. Christopher radiated compassion and love and everybody who came into contact with him was met with a smile. In the last year, he began working at Permanent Records in Greenpoint and I’d see him every Sunday, the last time being just two weeks ago….He was listening to Nick Drake. My heart goes out to Christopher’s family and his boyfriend, Jimmy Newborg. He lived in Greenpoint and our community has been robbed by this senseless tragedy.
We are extremely saddened by the loss of our neighbor Christopher Meyer and wish his family and friends our deepest condolences at this time. If anyone has any information about this incident, please contact the police immediately.
Feel free to leave condolences below.
Jen, please update with the following information from Steve Levin via the North Brooklyn Community Group on Facebook: “Hi all, the word that I have gotten from the authorities is that the individual hit the curb on his bike and hit his head without being struck by a car. There is apparently video that shows the incident, according to what I have been told.”
It was not a hit and run.
Thanks for this info Sherry. Once confirmed I will update on the post.
I didn’t know Chris but his vibrant pic and Jeff’s account leave me with a heavy heart.
From hard experience, many of us in the pedestrian and cyclist rights community have learned to be skeptical about NYPD pronouncements, especially initial ones, regarding deadly crashes. While it may well be that Chris crashed without being struck by a motorist’s vehicle, it’s also true that the vast majority — well over 90% — of cycling fatalities in NYC involve collision with a motor vehicle. So I for one am suspending “judgment” (such as it is) pending “evidence” (same qualifier).
I’m saddened that this young man is gone, and am very sorry for everyone who knew and loved him.
I’d also like confirmation whether he was wearing a helmet and using lights.
IT WAS A HIT AND RUN. Re-read what Levin said.
So sad. Condolences to his family.
I used to work with Chris at Ella Cafe when I first moved into Brooklyn. He was a livewire and made every shift soo much fun. He always had a funny story to tell and I loved just listening to him spin these funny tales. I’m so sorry to hear this and sending my love to his closest loved ones who had him for longer. I had him in my life just for a few months, but he is such a unique spirit that he definitely left a lasting impact.
i remember christopher from ella cafe. he’s funny, adorable, charming and ever-bubbly. sad news! condolences to his family, partner and friends.
I did not know Chris, but it is clear from the post that he was a real sweetheart. I know he will be missed by many and that makes me sad.
I pray for a complete and thorough investigation by the NYPD, and I am grateful to all my friends who are working hard to make our streets safer!
and Transportation alternatives is still against mandatory helmet use….
I don’t know if it would have saved him but I tell the story of a friend of mine riding a motor cycle in a parade and wrapped in a flag and being pulled off the cycle and hitting his head so hard that the helmet he was wearing cracked.(better than his head) Had a terrible headache for a few days….so don’t leave home without it. Condolences to his family and friends…
This is so sad. I remember Christopher from Sound Fix – he was always really friendly. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
My condolences to his family and friends! My wife and I are sadden by this tragedy. Chris had been one of our best customers at Buckley’s for years! He always said hello and smiled; He had made us a better world. We missed him!
This is so sad. Christopher was a sweetheart!! I met him several years ago and we have been acquaintances since then and I saw him in the neighborhood often. I saw him at Ella, Metropolitan and many other places. Every single time I saw him he had the sweetest, kindest and beautiful smile. I hate to see him go…
cris was my neighbor he was a wondrfull young man always greted you with a smile very friendly .just this monday i was outside sweeping my sidewalk cris passed by we said hello like always with a smile .my condolences to his family and friends .
Absolutely beat up over this. We were such good friends of his and we advised him to be safe. Use lights, wear a helmet. He did neither and it bothers us to no end to think that either of these things could still have him here with us today. Constant regret goes through all of our minds. I lost a spiritual brother and my musical equal. Rest In Peace you sweet soul.
CIS has changed their story since Steve Levin’s first update and now believe that a vehicle was involved.