Nicole Reed, who began petitioning for a Farmer’s Market in McGolrick park sent me some positive feedback and updates: The first meeting on 1/30 to discuss the possibility of a Farmer’s Market […]
Tag: McGolrick Park
McGolrick Park School Alliance
Here on “this side” of Greenpoint, we are very proud of our park that goes by the name of Winthrop or McGolrick depending on what century you moved or were […]
Market in McGolrick: CB 1 Meeting Tonight
Tonight, January 30, 2012, there will be a community board meeting (435 Graham Ave @ Frost) at 6:30pm regarding the proposed Farmer’s Market at McGolrick/Winthrop Park. With over 500 signatures, […]
You can’t usually find gorgeous romanescu cauliflower in the supermarket! Wouldn’t it be amazing to stroll into Winthrop/McGolrick on a Sunday morning and buy gorgeous produce, local honey, scrumptious bread, fresh […]
Has anyone checked out the McGorlick Park Flickr pool? We have some talented urban wildlife photographers in these parts, some who expertly photograph our favorite rodents: the squirrel. I just […]
A native non-Polish Greenpointer, I grew up living by McGolrick Park and am here still. I’ve seen the transformation of this neighborhood since I was in middle school. That means […]
Hands On New York Day
This Saturday you can volunteer to help get McGolrick Park ready for summer. East Hanover REI — Hands on New York Day Date: 4/16/2011 Event Location: McGolrick Park Event Fee: […]
McGolrick Holiday Tree Stand
If you need any more reminder on this last day of November, December is right around the corner! Time to start thinking about holiday decorating! Tree stands have started to […]
Blog Buzz: Barbie Cars, Chocolate and Shia LaBeouf
Greenpoint gossip from people who are better bloggers than I. Someone lost their friend on Devoe. The really strange thing is I was born on Devoe and my last name […]