Everyone has been asking – what about the light show this year? Well it’s happening this year, sort of. Instead of a one day spectacle, Nuit Blanche New York (NBNY) will […]
Tag: art
Greenpoint Artist: Mike Lee Perturbs With Patterns
Black confronts white, movement smacks against immobility and seriousness is sliced with subtle humor. Unlike the familiar idiom, Michael Lee creates opposites that do not necessarily attract one another, but […]
Archtober: Architecture & Design Events in Greenpoint & NYC
Funny how synchronicity works — I was just thinking if there was Fashion Night Out for the fashionistas, there has to be one for the design-junkies, like me. Lo and […]
Greenpoint Artist: David Pettibone Opening 9/20
Darkened, apocalyptic skies loom over dramatic and desolate landscapes, while human figures, hooded and covered from head to toe in bleach white, toil among scores of mysterious boxes. Something massive […]
Go Coney Island Time Lapse with Artist Africasso (VIDEO!)
If there is one place in the world to save during the apocalypse it’s Coney Island, Brooklyn. I know it’s corny to say, but it’s so real. Real New York. […]
Go (Greenpoint) Brooklyn Art Festival
Photos from this past weekend’s Go Brooklyn Art in Greenpoint. If you took any great photos on your Instagram please tag #go_greenpoint @greenpointers so we can share them here, too. […]
GO Brooklyn Art, Greenpoint Artist: Zoe Pettijohn Schade Stratifies Order and Disorder
A petite, bright white studio overlooking the trees of Eagle Street is the clean, calm home to Zoe Pettijohn Schade’s intricate and phenomenally executed gouache paintings. The tin-ceiled building was previously used […]
What’s Happening Greenpoint? (9/5-9/12)
We’ve received feedback from users subscribed to the RSS feed. They are sad because the feed emails posts the following day, so when they receive “What’s Happening?” on Thursdays they’ve […]
Flora e Fauna: An Exhibition of Botanical Drawings by KT Smail Opening at Nights and Weekends 9/5
Flora e Fauna: An Exhibition of Botanical Drawings by KT Smail Opening at tomorrow Wednesday September 5, 2012, 6-9pm @ Nights & Weekends (1 Bedford Ave). Greenpointers had a chat […]
This weekend check out Go Brooklyn, a Brooklyn wide artist open studios organized by Brooklyn Museum. The idea is, visitors “check-in” to each artist studio using a smart phone app. […]