Posted inShopping

East Meets West

Furnishing the new apartment has been a challenge. My current Ikea crap does not work with the whole feeling of my new place. Plus with the addition of my boyfriend […]

Posted inShopping

New Joint?

Last night on my way home I stopped to get some pizza and walked home down Franklin and I spied something that seemed interesting. Right next door to Pencil Factory […]

Posted inDeals, Services


Is it really cheesy to thank God it’s Friday? Yeah it is, but I’m thrilled this week is over. When work is slow it’s excruciating. Fantasizing about all the productive […]

Posted inShopping

Get Your Shop On

I got an email this morning from Shecky’s titled “To The Point”. I immediately knew it was gonna be about Greenpoint. People love to use that phrase as a headline […]