Northside Film Festival starts June 8, but if you are a cinephile, you don’t have to wait until then to feast your senses on what’s new. This is the last weekend of the Brooklyn […]
Category: Art
Weekend Music Picks (6/4-6/6): At the right place and the right time
Last night I loaded up the new Chris Robinson Brotherhood album on Rhapsody. It is pretty darn good. But I probably would never have sought it out if I had first heard […]
Bushwick Open Studios: Spotlight on John F. Moore, Jr.
Perhaps you’ve met one of the awesome bartenders, John F. Moore, Jr, from The Habitat. If you haven’t, then I just feel bad for you. Besides bartending and being an […]
Drink ‘n’ Draw at Dusty Rose Tomorrow, 06/04
Ever wish that there was a place you could go to casually drink and draw with your friends (that wasn’t your small walk up)? Starting tomorrow, there is—a new summer […]
Wanted: Volunteers for Northside Art @ Williamsburg Walks
Remember the block parties with the BBQ and the inflatable pools? The band that would play until the sun went down and your parents dragged you home? And eating cotton […]
REVERSE Gallery Open Call for Curatorial Proposals
APPLICATION DEADLINE: JULY 19TH, 2015 Have you had cool ideas percolating in your mind since before Richard Prince unleashed his Instagram “paintings” series at the Gagosian Gallery last fall? Did […]
‘Coffee and Chocolate Milk’ exhibit really is a sip of happiness
For all of you New Yorkers who still need to thaw out your cold, winter hearts, Holly’s HeART by Hand (HHBH) is featuring a heart-warming (heh, heh) collaborative project by […]
Weekend Music Picks: When you come to a fork in the road
I just got back from vacation in Vico Equense, a town on the Sorrentine peninsula in southern Italy. The people there seem wealthier than when I last visited a dozen […]
The Gunfighter Meets His Match: Abby Payne’s Wild West Concept Album Release Show May 28 at 9pm
“I’m going to town today to buy me a reputation,” the lean and lovely indie-rocker and Greenpoint resident Abby Payne lilts in the opening of the song “The Gunfighter Meets His Match.” She wrote […]
Oriana Leckert’s ‘Brooklyn Spaces’ Will Show You Where The Fun Is
There are many Brooklyns. There’s the Brooklyn you get when you walk the streets of Williamsburg with a map in your hands. There’s the Brooklyn down by the Smith Street […]