“They really don’t treat the workers with any respect”
Category: Activism
How to Join Your Brooklyn Community Board
The deadline for CB applications is February 12.
A Petition Calls For New Safety Protocol at Nassau and Lorimer
Over 1700 people agree: The intersection at Nassau Avenue and Lorimer Street is dangerous. The triangular pedestrian crossway in question is the focus of a new Change.org petition to the […]
Greenpoint the Last Frontier for Fight Against National Grid’s North Brooklyn Pipeline, LNG Expansion
After spending much of 2020 opposing a fracked gas pipeline being laid through the neighborhood, Greenpoint residents say they’ve notched up a few wins — but the fight’s not over. […]
Protestors Continue to Gather in McCarren Park, Months After George Floyd’s Death
For eight minutes and 46 seconds last Tuesday, McCarren Park was meditative. Amidst the evening sunlight, crickets chirped and a cool breeze lapped at lingering sweat. Dozens sat quietly in […]
Polish Anti-Authoritarian Signs Pop-Up in Greenpoint
Posters, street art and murals continue to pop-up around the city in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the signs in Greenpoint have their own local flavor. A […]
Pop-Up Memorial at 50 Kent Wants You to “Say Their Names”
A “Say Their Names” memorial for victims of police brutality has popped up on the fence of 50 Kent park in Williamsburg. Portland was home to the first “Say Their […]
Protestors Lay Flowers at Doorstep of the 94th Precinct
More than 100 demonstrators laid flowers at the doorstep of the 94th Precinct Thursday evening, each flower meant to represent someone who had been affected by police brutality. “It’s love […]
Petition Calls For Williamsburg’s PS 132 to “Dismantle Institutionalized Racism”
An online petition circulated by local parents that calls for PS 132 (320 Manhattan Ave.) to “dismantle institutionalized racism” has gained over 3,000 signatures. The petition urges the Williamsburg school, […]