Williamsburg resident George Kaya is the founder and baker behind Lisbonata, an artisanal pop-up bakery specializing in Portuguese custard tarts, traditionally known as Pastéis de Nata.

Kaya launched Lisbonata this past January. Lisbonata’s first pop-up was in Fort Greene, and more recently, Kaya expanded to Greenpoint, where he has been met with “overwhelming” support. “It’s been amazing to see the positive response and how quickly people have embraced what we’re doing,” Kaya told Greenpointers

George Kaya, the founder of Lisbonata. Photo: Rana Duzyol.

Kaya is not a baker by trade and used to work in marketing. “My background in marketing has been a huge asset as I’ve built Lisbonata from the ground up,” Kaya said. “Combining my passion for food with my marketing experience has been one of the most enjoyable aspects of this whole venture. It’s rewarding to be able to use my skills to not only craft delicious pastries but also to create a brand and story that people can connect with.”

Lisbonata’s Portuguese egg custard tarts. Photo: Trevor Baca

Kaya’s love for Pastéis de Nata started during a memorable trip to Lisbon in 2015. “The city’s pastry shops, bustling with locals and tourists alike, along with the warm, welcoming atmosphere, created an experience that was unforgettable,” he said. “And then there were the tarts. These small, flaky, custard-filled bites of heaven. I was instantly hooked.” 

Kaya told Greenpointers that his experience in Lisbon left such an impression that he felt compelled to recreate the tarts at home and started experimenting, tweaking and perfecting the recipe and sharing the results with friends and family. 

“After my recent move to New York City, I quickly realized that Pastéis de Nata weren’t given the same level of care and attention that made them so special back in Lisbon. I saw an opportunity to change that and bring an authentic version of the experience to the city,” the baker said.

Lisbonata’s raspberry, pistachio, and original egg tarts. Photo: Trevor Baca

Head to Lisbonata’s website to preorder boxes of 6 or 12 tarts. Kaya has experimented with different flavors and is currently featuring raspberry, Belgian chocolate, salted caramel, yuzu and pistachio cream in addition to the original custard flavor.

“I really enjoy collaborating with other businesses for special pop-up events, and we’re always open to introducing seasonal flavors and exploring creative partnerships,” Kaya told Greenpointers.

Lisbonata’s Portuguese egg tarts. Photo: Rana Duzyol

“My goal with Lisbonata is to not only offer a dessert, but to recreate that special moment I experienced in Lisbon. I wanted to give New Yorkers and fellow pastry lovers the chance to experience that same magic, whether they’re discovering it for the first time or missing it as much as I did,” Kaya said.

Lisbonata pops up in Greenpoint at the Down to Earth Farmers Market in McGolrick Park, Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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