Well, Greenpointers, the G train shutdown, that proverbial Sword of Damocles, finally comes to fruition. Starting at 9:45 p.m. tonight, June 28, the shutdown will go into effect and will last in some form or fashion until September 3.
From June 28 until July 5, G trains are suspended from Court Square to Nassau Avenue. From July 5 to August 12, G trains are suspended from Court Square to Bedford-Nostrand. And from August 12 to September 3, G trains are suspended from Bedford-Nostrand to Church Avenue. In all cases, free shuttle buses will run and make those stops—for specific details, check out our recent write up on the MTA’s plan.

The G train shutdown might be a logistical pain in the butt for a few weeks, but hopefully the end result is worth it, with a brand new signaling system that brings the G train out of the Great Depression (like literally. That’s when they last updated the signal.)
The MTA promises that shuttle buses will run every few minutes. We’ll see about that. Hopefully, the new G train czar can make sure they’re true to to their word. For real time updates, make sure you download the MTA app, check for updates at mta.info, and even sign up for the MTA’s weekly G train shutdown newsletter.
Submit your feedback to the MTA at [email protected]. You can also submit your feedback to me, who has considerably less power, but happy to hear from folks about how the shutdown is affecting them (and happy to be the squeaky wheel following up with the MTA, if the situation comes to that). I’m always here at [email protected].
H.A.G.S., G train, and thanks for the memories. I’ll write to you from summer camp.