Good news for all civically-minded Greenpointers out there (and Williamsburg…ers?) — it’s Community Board application season. 

New York City is parceled into 59 different community board districts, representing an important entry point into local politics. Community Board 1 represents both Greenpoint and Williamsburg. Community boards are made up of local residents who weigh in on issues like liquor licenses, parks, zoning, new developments, and pretty much anything else pertinent to the neighborhood. While many of their rulings are advisory, higher levels of government look to their input for guidance. 

Boards are made up of 50 volunteers who serve a two-year term. There are no term limits. You have to be at least 16 years old and live or work in the neighborhood. So, if there are any opinionated teenagers out there who are upset that they can’t vote yet, now’s your chance to weigh in on politics!

Applicants for Brooklyn boards are ultimately appointed by Borough President Antonio Reynoso. The borough president’s office has made a point to encourage underrepresented demographics, such as younger applicants and NYCHA residents, to apply. A city council member can also recommend an applicant. 

So if you’re interested, click here to start working on an application. 

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  1. I am glad they are looking for underrepresented demos. Since the area is overwhelming white and half of that race is male, I suggest they start with that since in the picture of 11 there are only two non religious white males as far as I can see.

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