True to their essence as a gym, SESSION is all about self-improvement and staying in motion. Literally. Today, December 11, a third SESSION gym opened at 65 Kent Street.

This branch joins two others in the area, one in north Williamsburg and one in south, the latter of which (their inaugural location) opened five years ago. But SESSION doesn’t just hope to bring new members into the fold with this expansion — this also serves as an additional location for existing gym goers, and their memberships will include classes at and access to the new space.

“We already have such a great community, we just wanted to build onto it. We have a large community, but it’s super close knit,” SESSION Brand Manager Jocelyn Krotec explained. “The most intriguing part is really keeping our community close enough where we can still be strong and give our members more options to take classes.”

The Kent Street location is a manifestation of SESSION’s goals to always improve their product and offerings, which will include both new amenities and workouts, like all-new barbell classes on top of their usual strength, conditioning, kettlebell, and metcon (metabolic conditioning combining cardio and strength), and running strength and mobility sessions.

“It’s just always about focusing on what’s best for the client experience. [Barbell work] is something that we haven’t really dabbled into yet, but that’s just the way that functional fitness is going. Our trainers and even our managers or people at the front desk, we’ve been taking barbell classes around the area to just learn from other professionals, as well and partnering up with like, other fitness studios,” Krotec said. “It just gives our current members and everyone that comes an opportunity to try a new class. It’s a little intimidating at first and I think it probably is for all of us, but we’re gonna jump into it together.”

Given SESSION’s proximity — and the fact that its owner and multiple team members live in the neighborhood — their relationship with Greenpoint is nothing new. They’ve previously hosted popups and partnerships in the neighborhood, like a community dog jog with Boris & Horton, Halloween spooky session at Mary’s Bar, and collaborative run with Greenpoint Runners last Saturday.

Upon opening, the class schedule and pass details are available at

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