Greenpoint’s very own lightning rod of controversy, McGuinness Boulevard, is getting a redesign. However, the specifics of that redesign will be made known tomorrow when NYC Department of Transportation representatives present their plan to Brooklyn’s Community Board 1 and interested community members.

The DOT presented their initial ideas to the board last summer, proposing several potential solutions, including removing traffic lanes and adding bike lanes. In 2021, the de Blasio administration allocated $39 million for the capital improvements.
Tune in May 4 from 6:30 – 9:30 PM.
No one listens to the Daytime/Nightime parking rules. Every place, like Bushwick Avenue becomes and racecourse with people dodging parked cars over open lanes.
The traffic is already bad. This will push even more trucks on to local streets. Major trucking routes should not have bike lanes. Almost all deaths have been when a truck cannot see a bicyclist and turns or changes lanes. This is a horrible idea. Stop pandering to the loud bicycle lobbyists.
$39 million dollars to redesign a few blocks. I love NY
Larimer Street and Franklin Avenue and West Street already have bike lanes from one side of green point to the other. Why would you hit up a major vehicle area? Where now are you are stopping people with 9 to 5 jobs that probably work nights that need to find parking now and putting bike lanes and cutting off one road from the midtown tunnel to the BQE. It’s it doesn’t matter because this went into affect when the Blasio was still mayor and now you are just getting around to laying the foundation, right
Franklin Ave. begins in Williamsburg and is almost three miles away from Franklin Street in Greenpoint. Other than that, I agree with your comment. McGuinness Blvd. is essentially a commercial vehicle thoroughfare allowing trucks access to the BQE and LIE. It was never designed as a pedestrian-friendly nature walk or bike trail. Choking off vehicular access will force commercial traffic onto side streets, creating even more congestion and hazardous conditions for residents. Besides, riding a bike without paying attention to your surroundings because you’re wearing earphones or using your phone is an easy way to end up as a speed bump. What’s next, demands for bike and pedestrian lanes on the BQE and LIE?
Sorry. Yes, Franklin Street
It is insulting to suggest that the reason cyclists get killed by drivers is that we don’t pay attention. Of course this is the case for some, but spend a week commuting on a bike and then tell me how we are all responsible for our own imminent deaths.
Only a matter of time till they make a bus lane on it for the 62.
I love the picture with the truck turning onto the island. I’m sitting here watching the 2 lanes of traffic, honking and trying to cut off each other just to go a few inches and here comes a fire truck. Lol, one lane just for the kids to ride their bikes. For us that work 12 hour shifts at night, so now we can not park during the day if the City goes with the idea of off peak parking? For us that work further then a simple bike ride to the audition, photo shoot or local restaurant to work. A car is important. McGuinness Boulevard is a main artery from the midtown tunnel to the BQE and I have used it many times to transport people to and from major hospitals such as woodhall, Wyckoff to Bellevue and Cornell in the city. I might as well through my patient on an e-bike and rush a transport but it has already been approved so what’s the point. Someone got votes for this that didn’t even get re-elected and now the adults have to deal with this mess because the kids wanted a bike lane.
I work. I ride my bike to work every day. 400,000 people ride a bike every day in NYC. We are not all taking a bike ride to our audition for a Latte commercial.