I didn’t have a 2022 bingo card, but if I did, getting into a feud with my local community board was certainly not on it.

I’ll put those feelings aside to tell you all about North Brooklyn’s hottest and most exclusive job opportunity — district manager for Brooklyn’s Community Board 1. I’m not even exaggerating by calling it the most exclusive. The previous district manager, Gerald Esposito, held the position for nearly 50 years before unceremoniously retiring last year. We’re truly looking at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, fellow Greenpointers.

CB1 in action.

The board is searching for someone who is familiarized with various city offices and stakeholders, and who is comfortable interfacing with district residents and members of the board alike.

Other qualifications include: “Must have excellent computer and technology skills” and “Familiarized with social media.” This is curious, considering that the board is not exactly known for its tech prowess. The board also deleted its Twitter account last fall. Maybe they need someone to help set up a new one? Or at least someone to show folks how to mute themselves? (Please, I’m just a girl, standing in front of her local community board, asking them to learn how to use the mute button!)

The salary for this position ranges from $58,700 to $88,000. Interested candidates should email a resume to: [email protected]. And take a look at the full job listing here.

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