The playful logo on Active Space’s homepage may be reason enough to consider upping your workout game. Ever-shifting, the logo is physical itself, skating between dancing, swimming, and running graphics.

It’s 2019: what is a workout if it can’t be digitized? Well, the workouts are still completed IRL, but Active Space as a digital platform helps you choose where to find them, and a number of North Brooklyn gyms — or, per the company’s title, “active spaces” — are listed on the site.

Some of these locales include Chalk Gym (193 North 9th Street) in Williamsburg and bouldering gym GP81 (81 Quay Street) in Greenpoint. And now that the weather is nicer and the days are longer, it may be time to finally check out these neighborhood gyms.

“Ultimately, our goal is to help New Yorkers discover workouts they love through our site’s independent editorial reviews,” founder Jordana Gluckow says. “Our team pays for all our own classes (to maintain impartiality) and we have a seasoned team of writers with varying athletic ability levels who are well-versed in NYC workout studios and less well-known fitness classes.”

And if you’re still not feeling motivated, the Active Spaces Instagram account features colorful quotes on wellness and workouts from perennial icons like Oprah, Dolly, and — yes — Cher.

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