In a chilling distillation of the rising tide of hate and extremism in American politics and public life, several parking meters along Manhattan Avenue have been defaced with hand-drawn Swastikas.

These symbols and the values they represent have no place in Greenpoint, or anywhere on Earth. Sadly, the hateful graffiti is but the latest instance of Nazi iconography in North Brooklyn. Last summer, swastikas appeared in McGolrick Park, and the community came together for an Anti-Nazi Rally.

This graffiti is one example of the ways in which the ugly core of our national discourse has emboldened groups and individuals who revel in the pain and disenfranchisement of those they hate and fear. One way to impact that national conversation, and make your voice heard amidst the chaos, is to vote. You can find your polling place here!

See you at the polls on November 6th, Greenpoint! Your voice matters.

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  1. If the Nine Four is seeking the chronically unemployed losers who never get laid, still live with mom and draw swastikas on parking meters, Connie O’s is the filthy, depressing dump where they will find them.

  2. The perpetrators can be found right here in Greenpoint, usually at Connie O’s Pub, a Proud Boys and Skinhead hangout. If the Nine Four is seeking the chronically unemployed losers who never get laid, still live with mom and draw swastikas on parking meters, this depressing, filthy dump is where they will find them.

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