A decrepit white limousine featuring plastic covered windows and loaves of bread overflowing from the trunk may have alerted your senses on and around Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint this week.

You can breathe easy, the limo was towed from the neighborhood on Wednesday following a series of complaints to 311 and the 94th Precinct according to CBS2.

A man was apparently living in the limo when the 94th Precinct investigated the situation on Tuesday. Police were unable to tow the vehicle with Pennsylvania plates citing a lack of illegal activity after the driver produced registration.

The Dept. of Sanitation moved in and tagged the limo as derelict prior to its removal early Wednesday.

via Chris Cobb
via Chris Cobb
via Chris Cobb

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  1. I’d rather see this in Greenpoint than the over development on West Street that is taking over all our beautiful views of the city! Fuck that development!

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