A few weeks ago we wrote about local healing and wellness center Maha Rose expanding to the space next door. The additional 1500-square-foot space (they’re currently at 97 Green Street) will feature an infrared sauna, and additional treatment and workshop rooms. After getting down and dirty and deep into the construction process, they have decided to use the power of crowdfunding to help offset the work, which is taking them twice as long and costing more than double what they anticipated.
They hope to be open in mid-September and are asking the community for help in reaching their financial goals so they can continue to offer a unique set of services and provide a safe space for North Brooklynites to breathe, learn, heal and expand their consciousness. Donate to Maha Rose here.
From founder Lisa Levine:
Hello Loves,
It’s midnight as I am writing this, rather, last night, by the time you will be reading this. We have been deep in the renovations this week. We gave the temple a fresh coat of paint along with the treatment rooms and the new lounge/waiting area. Once you start one project you see how many other projects there are to do. Uncovering one layer reveals more layers to be scrubbed, painted, and made fresh. It’s a lot like healing work. You open a tender spot and find generations of tender spots that grew the outward facing tender spot. It can take time to scrub things clean. I spent a couple of days on the front brick wall. Crumbling brick and way too many pipes..It’s an old building, she’s old, and there are many layers to be peeled away.
Reminded once more that it’s a lot like healing work, renovations. As we work externally we benefit internally through the excavating, clearing, and beautifying. I already feel lighter, fresher, and bigger. Yet, at the same time a little vulnerable, as she is so open right now, and I am having to ask for help everyday.
I’m learning so much constantly. It doesn’t end. It’s humbling.
Construction is taking maybe twice as long as we anticipated, and is costing more than twice as much as we thought it would. I am learning now that this is normal. I was naive about some things and so we dove in. I think now, in retrospect, it was probably the Universe hiding some of the lessons, so we wouldn’t miss the opportunity. The opportunity, that is, to double our square footage and provide more healing to all of you! We’re excited and we’re learning, and we do need support. Financial support.
So…we’re crowdfunding! I’ve never done this before (hello vulnerability…) and it’s a big deal for me to ask for this much help, but I think it’s the right thing to do. It feels scary, so we must be on the right track. You can give a little, you can give a lot, it’s up to you. You’ve already given so much just by coming to anything at Maha Rose ever! That is how we exist, by your showing up here for workshops, sessions and retreats. I thank you already for the support you’ve shared for this growth and for your words of encouragement and enthusiasm. My heart is softened by your love for Maha Rose. She is a beauty and she is very happy in these new chapters of growth. I feel her happiness. The fresh coat of paint today on her temple walls made her shiny and bright, pretty and strong, and even more powerful. She will be able to hold more.
Please check out our GoFundMe page and also come by and see it all as it’s happening!. We’re closed this weekend but will be back open (but not finished yet) this Monday. It will be a little bumpy for a few more weeks, but somewhere mid to end of September she should be in her new full blooming glory, with God’s grace.
I love you all, thank you for your love and support all these years.
Lisa & Maha Rose