NAG's Toxicity Map
NAG’s Toxicity Map

Local environmental organization Neighbors Allied For Good Growth (NAG) is currently hiring for a full-time Environmental Justice Program Manager. For one of their most well-known projects, NAG created an online interactive ToxiCity Map, to map out environmental conditions in the neighborhood for all to see. They also do a lot of community advocacy, soil testing and sustainability outreach.

Here’s the job description (via NAG):

The full-time Environmental Justice Program Manager is a grant-funded position. S/he will work closely with the Executive Director and board members to organize and execute grassroots environmental justice initiatives designed to address legacy toxins, open space, and ongoing sources of pollution in Greenpoint and Williamsburg. The Environmental Justice Program Manager is responsible for engaging residents and stakeholders in town hall meetings, workshops, and informational sessions, and other activities with the goal of developing community-based solutions to environmental problems. This position is funded through June 30, 2019 with the potential to extend, pending funding.

To apply, send a detailed cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the subject line “Environmental Justice Program Manager”

And, the full job description:

NAG Job description

NAG job description (2)

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  1. NAG is bs. Ambassadors to developers. They encourage growth without understanding its impact. The neighborhood had the ability to grow twice its size on its own, had the ability to produce twice as much garbage on its own, prior to the upzonings. Work for the City, the EPA, the DEC if you want to make a difference.

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